Friday 4 May 2012

Learning Log -May 2nd

  • What did I do in class today? Today I worked on this poster above, I thought I should get used to everything one by one before continuing on with my free creation project. I just made this poster for fun but it turned out okay.
  • What did I learn? I experienced a lot on photoshop and did all sorts of cool thing with it. And I learned how to use what I need for my project.
  • What did I find interesting? I found everything interesting today. Even though it's raining out we still had a really enthusiastic atmosphere in here, which helps me concentrate.
  • What questions do I have about what I learned? How do you add some sort of shadow to the text " Keep it Clean" on Photoshop. That would give the text a 3D type of look, which is really cool.
  • What was the point of today's lesson? Just like the past couple of lessons, we have a task and our task is to work on our free creation projects, I don't know when it's due date is yet but we'll have to hand it in sooner or later, so our task can get pretty hectic sometimes.
  • What connections did I make to previous ideas of lessons? Every class of course makes connections with the precious since we work on the same image production. Photoshop is the key point in this class.

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