Tuesday 8 May 2012

Very First Learning Log born on April 16, 2012

  • What did I do in class today? I finally finished my book cover YAY! To be honest getting used to Photoshop was a pain, but I managed to pull it off and I really really enjoy fooling around with it. I'm satisfied with my book cover and I hope Ms.Koch is too. I really enjoyed every step of it, even though it was a bumpy road. Photoshop for some people is as easy is ABC but I'm not one of those people sadly I have to explore it for a while before becoming a professional.
  • What did I learn? I learned so much. I really enjoyed this assignment because we were introduced to the key elements in Photoshop. I learned how to use the brush tools, layers, masks, and I can go on..
  • What did I find interesting? Photoshop itself is the coolest thing ever. Nothing can be more interesting than the world of Photoshop. The world seems dependent on Photoshop. Mostly every advertisement and posters and pictures and made or edited in Photoshop. Just imagine how ugly thing would look without that extra editing by Mr.Photoshop, for example, take a look at http://bsph.com/jlbef-aft.jpg
  • What questions do I have about what I learned? Not a lot of questions I really enjoyed what I did and I'm really excited to move on to my next assignment which is the "independent project". I have so many ideas in my head already I just can't wait.
  • What was the point of today's lesson? Today's class was all about working on whatever we haven't yet finished and some people like me went ahead and made final touches to our wonderful book covers.
  • What connections did I make to previous ideas of lessons? We're experienced Photoshop again. Everything that we do each class effects the previous or next classes. All I have left to say is " book cover". The End.

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