Tuesday 8 May 2012

Learning Log Before Third Block

Let free "Into the Wild"

  • What did I do in class today? Today our teacher read us a few pages from  http://images.amazon.com/images/P/1594485380.jpg, which is about discoveries and inovations.  That didn't take long therefore after we made changes to our book covers that we made a while back. In order for us to print we have to have the right sizes and revolution. That wasn't such a tough thing to do but what caused a few problems was moving everything that was close to the edges more to the middle. Very hectic! Dedie helped me with merging layers since my text was all over the place. Thanks Dedie! He totally deserves a big fat A.
  • What did I learn? I learned a few details on photoshop and how to merge layers and all sorts of confusing stuff. We learned that in order for us to get a decent mark in Digital Imagery we have to focus MORE or our self evaluations. Right Dedie?! I was really surprised about that. I thought we have to be fair and modest. At least now we know to appreciate our work more.
  • What did I find interesting? This class wasn't interesting. It was a typical Digital Imagery class. Ms. Koch read us a book which was pretty cool. Then she let us free "Into the Wild".
  • What questions do I have about what I learned? Not too many. I asked Dedie he was a good help. But thanks.
  • What was the point of today's lesson? Today's class was about making a few adjustments to our book covers as I mentioned. We also worked on our free creations a bit. Plus we were accompanied by the sun.
  • What connections did I make to previous ideas of lessons? Photoshop has been our buddy since March I believe. Oh and the book covers. Today was a very astounding class!
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