Wednesday 23 May 2012

Learning Log for May 14

  • What did I do in class today? Same as last class. Sometimes I get lazy and tend to forget about the "learning log" but I know it is my number 1 priority in this class. Sometime's we just have to do what we least enjoy doing. That's the rule of life. The bottom line is we continued on our free creation projects.
  • What did I learn?I learned some new features in Photoshop that I had not used before. Pretty cool what this little program can do. I am amazed. I learned about the brush tool.Changing the pen pressure and etc.
  • What did I find interesting? I found that you can transform the brush tools into any kind of shape and it's sort of like a stamp you can stamp anything you want as long as you change the settings a bit.
  • What questions do I have about what I learned? How is it possible to get different brushes from the same brush tool? How does Photoshop work?
  • What was the point of today's lesson? The aim of today's lesson was to work on our independent projects. There is very few time left we've got to make the best of it.
  • What connections did I make to previous ideas of lessons? Today we carried on with our independent project. Even though it sounds easy because we get to choose the level of difficulty of it , yet we still need time to think wisely and actually do everything correctly with the help of tutorials.
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