Thursday 24 May 2012

Learning Log - May 24th

  • What did I do in class today? Today I finished up my independent project in which I made real looking grass with the help of brush tools. It wasn't too difficult but it sure took quite a bit of time. I also searched for other tutorials that I can do since I'm finished with this project.
  • What did I learn? I learned a ton about brushes, I never knew Photoshop brushes could do so much. It's fascinating how many functions they have. I learned about the noise and the blur of an image which was pretty cool. The noise and the blur give the image a realistic look. In the past couple of months I learned a lot about Photoshop, which I'm sure will come in handy later on in life.
  • What did I find interesting? Photoshop has really interested me. I always wonder how everything is made so realistic looking in Photoshop. If someone's skin has freckles and pimples in a photograph Photoshop can cure everything perfectly. Not a single cream or powder helps as Photoshop can. Just impressive.
  • What questions do I have about what I learned? How is it that Photoshop can perform numerous functions? Can a brush tools be transformed into any type of brush?
  • What was the point of today's lesson? I have to make my art appeal to others, that's my number one priority. I set a goal to finish the project today and I accomplished it. That was the whole point to get everything finished.
  • What connections did I make to previous ideas of lessons? Well for me, the last few classes have had the same connection because we've been working on the same projects. I finished today and I wont have any connections with the independent project next period.
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