Thursday 24 May 2012

Learning Log - May 24th

  • What did I do in class today? Today I finished up my independent project in which I made real looking grass with the help of brush tools. It wasn't too difficult but it sure took quite a bit of time. I also searched for other tutorials that I can do since I'm finished with this project.
  • What did I learn? I learned a ton about brushes, I never knew Photoshop brushes could do so much. It's fascinating how many functions they have. I learned about the noise and the blur of an image which was pretty cool. The noise and the blur give the image a realistic look. In the past couple of months I learned a lot about Photoshop, which I'm sure will come in handy later on in life.
  • What did I find interesting? Photoshop has really interested me. I always wonder how everything is made so realistic looking in Photoshop. If someone's skin has freckles and pimples in a photograph Photoshop can cure everything perfectly. Not a single cream or powder helps as Photoshop can. Just impressive.
  • What questions do I have about what I learned? How is it that Photoshop can perform numerous functions? Can a brush tools be transformed into any type of brush?
  • What was the point of today's lesson? I have to make my art appeal to others, that's my number one priority. I set a goal to finish the project today and I accomplished it. That was the whole point to get everything finished.
  • What connections did I make to previous ideas of lessons? Well for me, the last few classes have had the same connection because we've been working on the same projects. I finished today and I wont have any connections with the independent project next period.
  • Wednesday 23 May 2012

    Learning Log for May 22nd

  • What did I do in class today? Today's class seemed like a pretty chill, calm, less distracted class. I took the time to read some articles about art and at the same time made progress on the free creation project. Ms. Koch passed a USB Drive around the room so we could hand in our "Book Cover Project" the printable copy, the blog size copy and the Photoshop psd file.
  • What did I learn? I learned that brushes can get really confusing at times, because you have to know how to change the settings and how to get it to be the perfect size and etc., but I asked people and they helped me with a few minor details. I learned a lot about the noise and blur of and image in Photoshop as well. I realized that being a teacher can be a pain sometimes. Because I was trying to explain something to someone and they couldn't get . I had to repeat myself a thousand time, gets kinda frustrating at times.
  • What did I find interesting? I read an article, which was about a man who transformed his white car into a artistic type of looking car. What he did was he used a Sharpie and drew nice patters sort of like graffiti on his car. I was amazed by it.
  • What questions do I have about what I learned? How long would it take me to transform my car like that? Is there a different program that operates the same way as Photoshop?
  • What was the point of today's lesson? I have to make my art appeal to others, that's my number one priority. Then Ms.Koch wanted us to hand in our book covers , done. Oh you forgot the free creation project.
  • What connections did I make to previous ideas of lessons? The same question is asked every class, yet we still answer the same question every class. It's like asking someone "what did you wear today?" and the answer is "clothes". The connection between yesterday's clothes and today's is that they're both made of cotton, wool, or polyester. This is not to be funny. I'm not going to ignore the question, so here is my answer "free creation project" or as others like to call it "Independent Project". Done.
  • Learning Log for May 16

  • What did I do in class today? Today I am uploading my log about forty minutes early, because our teacher signed us up for the Japanese, I guess you could call it a "carnival" that will be held in the cafeteria. It's a lovely weather out plus our teacher is kind and wants us to take a break from Photoshop. Besides that I had a bit of time to search the web and work on my independent project. It's getting somewhere. I don't only work on the same project every class I tend to try out different tutorials and see which one I like the best. That's why It's taking me quite of bit of time to complete the assignment. One more thing I forgot to mention is that Ms.Koch took a look at my blog and evaluated my work and the logs she was impressed my the learning logs and also my work, she told me that I have improved a lot, since last term. I was stoked to hear that.
  • What did I learn? I learned a very few things today, because of the lack of time. In fact i'm kind of happy that we get a break from these computers because I have a really terrible headache right now. I also found out that these learning logs do help me, because that way I can keep track of my work to see what's complete and what's yet to finish.
  • What did I find interesting? It's interesting how short our class was for today because of the "Japanese Carnival" yet I managed to finish at least one eighth of my project. If I concentrate which I did today I manage to pull off anything, I just have to set my mind to it.
  • What questions do I have about what I learned? How long should it take for someone to make a Photoshop creation? Why did it take me exactly five minutes to find one crappy tool on Photoshop?
  • What was the point of today's lesson? The aim of today's lesson was to work on our independent projects. The other point was to go and enjoy some of the Japanese food in the cafeteria. Valia is super excited to eat!
  • What connections did I make to previous ideas of lessons? Photoshop. Independent Project, which I like to call "My Free Creation Project". Last class I left off at a really bad spot in the project, thank god nothing got deleted and I was able to connect the dots. It just unexpectedly quit on me, so I have to shut down the computer and leave. The bright side is, it saved all my work. Yay!
  • Learning Log for May 14

  • What did I do in class today? Same as last class. Sometimes I get lazy and tend to forget about the "learning log" but I know it is my number 1 priority in this class. Sometime's we just have to do what we least enjoy doing. That's the rule of life. The bottom line is we continued on our free creation projects.
  • What did I learn?I learned some new features in Photoshop that I had not used before. Pretty cool what this little program can do. I am amazed. I learned about the brush tool.Changing the pen pressure and etc.
  • What did I find interesting? I found that you can transform the brush tools into any kind of shape and it's sort of like a stamp you can stamp anything you want as long as you change the settings a bit.
  • What questions do I have about what I learned? How is it possible to get different brushes from the same brush tool? How does Photoshop work?
  • What was the point of today's lesson? The aim of today's lesson was to work on our independent projects. There is very few time left we've got to make the best of it.
  • What connections did I make to previous ideas of lessons? Today we carried on with our independent project. Even though it sounds easy because we get to choose the level of difficulty of it , yet we still need time to think wisely and actually do everything correctly with the help of tutorials.
  • Tuesday 22 May 2012

    Learning Log for May 10

  • What did I do in class today? Today we basically got more time to explore the Photoshop world. The independent projects are due very soon and I have all sorts of ideas going through my mind, yet I have a tough time deciding what tutorial to use and what to create. It's really hard for me to concentrate on just one tutorial , since there are a thousands of really admirable links. Mainly the whole period I spent my time searching the web to find the ideal one. There has to be something really really fascinating out there that will wow me.
  • What did I learn? I read articles about Photoshop and how useful it is in the modern world. I also checked out the eye-catching tutorials by taking a quick peak at it to see if I'll enjoy making something like it. Right now I don't have a clue what I could be doing because I tried doing a few tutorials and I just left it incomplete at the end I'm needing the wow factor.
  • What did I find interesting? I saw this tutorial on animals and how to create realistic looking ones. What I saw looked so realistic , it was just amazing. I like the world of Photoshop but when when it comes to the point where I have to decide on my project my brain starts lagging because there are so many good ones you just don't know which one to pick.
  • What questions do I have about what I learned? How do people come up with all these different tutorials? Do they just randomly start drawing things until they see a final product? Why didn't I think of this tutorial? Why didn't I learn this earlier rather than now?
  • What was the point of today's lesson? Today's class was mainly about having some alone time with the computer, it doesn't mean Facebook. We could do anything we wanted but it had to somewhat relate to Photoshop and our independent project.
  • What connections did I make to previous ideas of lessons? Well not many connections because last class we made adjustments to our Book Covers , so they could be in the right format for printing. Today we carried on with our independent project. Even though we have very few projects it's still hard to manage.
  • Tuesday 8 May 2012

    Learning Log for April 18

    • What did I do in class today? Today I fixed the image size of my book cover and posted the final product on my "Catch and Fall Imagery" blog. I also started working on the self evaluation for the cover. Didn't have enough time to finish it but I sure will finish and post it here on my blog the following class.
    • What did I learn? I learned how to change to size so it fits my blog. We don't want the image to be too big on the blog so it won't look random, I like it when everything is perfect and fits right in it's place. I placed it on the blog with the right size and it looks great, just as I pictured it.
    • What did I find interesting? I found everything interesting today. Even though it's raining out we still had a really enthusiastic atmosphere in here, which helps me concentrate. I really enjoyed playing around with the image size and it's resolution. And posting the cover on the blog was fun too because I added labels and titled it and published it.
    • What questions do I have about what I learned? I already asked all my questions to friends good thing they knew. Friends sometimes know more than the web, haha!
    • What was the point of today's lesson? Everyone was at a different stage today with their book covers. Some were completely done and ready to go and some people we're still frustration over it. I actually figured everything out and finished it , which was our task for today. I hate falling behind on things, and if I do I get so frustrated. Anyhow fun class.
    • What connections did I make to previous ideas of lessons? Every class of course makes connections with the precious since we work on the same image production. Photoshop is the key point in this class. Like last days lesson I finished my cover and published it on my blog today ,so it all fits together now.

    Very First Learning Log born on April 16, 2012

    • What did I do in class today? I finally finished my book cover YAY! To be honest getting used to Photoshop was a pain, but I managed to pull it off and I really really enjoy fooling around with it. I'm satisfied with my book cover and I hope Ms.Koch is too. I really enjoyed every step of it, even though it was a bumpy road. Photoshop for some people is as easy is ABC but I'm not one of those people sadly I have to explore it for a while before becoming a professional.
    • What did I learn? I learned so much. I really enjoyed this assignment because we were introduced to the key elements in Photoshop. I learned how to use the brush tools, layers, masks, and I can go on..
    • What did I find interesting? Photoshop itself is the coolest thing ever. Nothing can be more interesting than the world of Photoshop. The world seems dependent on Photoshop. Mostly every advertisement and posters and pictures and made or edited in Photoshop. Just imagine how ugly thing would look without that extra editing by Mr.Photoshop, for example, take a look at
    • What questions do I have about what I learned? Not a lot of questions I really enjoyed what I did and I'm really excited to move on to my next assignment which is the "independent project". I have so many ideas in my head already I just can't wait.
    • What was the point of today's lesson? Today's class was all about working on whatever we haven't yet finished and some people like me went ahead and made final touches to our wonderful book covers.
    • What connections did I make to previous ideas of lessons? We're experienced Photoshop again. Everything that we do each class effects the previous or next classes. All I have left to say is " book cover". The End.

    Learning Log Before Third Block

    Let free "Into the Wild"

  • What did I do in class today? Today our teacher read us a few pages from, which is about discoveries and inovations.  That didn't take long therefore after we made changes to our book covers that we made a while back. In order for us to print we have to have the right sizes and revolution. That wasn't such a tough thing to do but what caused a few problems was moving everything that was close to the edges more to the middle. Very hectic! Dedie helped me with merging layers since my text was all over the place. Thanks Dedie! He totally deserves a big fat A.
  • What did I learn? I learned a few details on photoshop and how to merge layers and all sorts of confusing stuff. We learned that in order for us to get a decent mark in Digital Imagery we have to focus MORE or our self evaluations. Right Dedie?! I was really surprised about that. I thought we have to be fair and modest. At least now we know to appreciate our work more.
  • What did I find interesting? This class wasn't interesting. It was a typical Digital Imagery class. Ms. Koch read us a book which was pretty cool. Then she let us free "Into the Wild".
  • What questions do I have about what I learned? Not too many. I asked Dedie he was a good help. But thanks.
  • What was the point of today's lesson? Today's class was about making a few adjustments to our book covers as I mentioned. We also worked on our free creations a bit. Plus we were accompanied by the sun.
  • What connections did I make to previous ideas of lessons? Photoshop has been our buddy since March I believe. Oh and the book covers. Today was a very astounding class!
  • Friday 4 May 2012

    Here Comes Another Learning Log

    • What did I do in class today? I searched the web for different tutorials and thought "man it seems infinity". There and millions of links and tutorials out there. I looked at all sorts of different creations and man oh man we can even create technology using Photoshop. I saw this really cool 3D TV that was created on Photoshop and let me tell you it looks amazingly realistic.
    • What did I learn? I looked through many tutorials and kinda got ideas from everything. Just by reading you process so much and later you realize that any type of knowledge can come in handy.
    • What did I find interesting? EVERYTHING that I browsed. I never knew Photoshop would be so cool. To me it seems like magic. It can do so much, even create realistic faces.
    • What questions do I have about what I learned? Who created Photoshop? because wow that person can't get anymore creative then this.
    • What was the point of today's lesson? Today's lesson was to continue our unfinished work. I went ahead and experienced different tutorials.
    • What connections did I make to previous ideas of lessons? We're experiencing Photoshop. Everything that we do each class effects the previous or next classes. The world of technology is fascinating.

    Learning Log -May 2nd

    • What did I do in class today? Today I worked on this poster above, I thought I should get used to everything one by one before continuing on with my free creation project. I just made this poster for fun but it turned out okay.
    • What did I learn? I experienced a lot on photoshop and did all sorts of cool thing with it. And I learned how to use what I need for my project.
    • What did I find interesting? I found everything interesting today. Even though it's raining out we still had a really enthusiastic atmosphere in here, which helps me concentrate.
    • What questions do I have about what I learned? How do you add some sort of shadow to the text " Keep it Clean" on Photoshop. That would give the text a 3D type of look, which is really cool.
    • What was the point of today's lesson? Just like the past couple of lessons, we have a task and our task is to work on our free creation projects, I don't know when it's due date is yet but we'll have to hand it in sooner or later, so our task can get pretty hectic sometimes.
    • What connections did I make to previous ideas of lessons? Every class of course makes connections with the precious since we work on the same image production. Photoshop is the key point in this class.