Thursday 24 May 2012

Learning Log - May 24th

  • What did I do in class today? Today I finished up my independent project in which I made real looking grass with the help of brush tools. It wasn't too difficult but it sure took quite a bit of time. I also searched for other tutorials that I can do since I'm finished with this project.
  • What did I learn? I learned a ton about brushes, I never knew Photoshop brushes could do so much. It's fascinating how many functions they have. I learned about the noise and the blur of an image which was pretty cool. The noise and the blur give the image a realistic look. In the past couple of months I learned a lot about Photoshop, which I'm sure will come in handy later on in life.
  • What did I find interesting? Photoshop has really interested me. I always wonder how everything is made so realistic looking in Photoshop. If someone's skin has freckles and pimples in a photograph Photoshop can cure everything perfectly. Not a single cream or powder helps as Photoshop can. Just impressive.
  • What questions do I have about what I learned? How is it that Photoshop can perform numerous functions? Can a brush tools be transformed into any type of brush?
  • What was the point of today's lesson? I have to make my art appeal to others, that's my number one priority. I set a goal to finish the project today and I accomplished it. That was the whole point to get everything finished.
  • What connections did I make to previous ideas of lessons? Well for me, the last few classes have had the same connection because we've been working on the same projects. I finished today and I wont have any connections with the independent project next period.
  • Wednesday 23 May 2012

    Learning Log for May 22nd

  • What did I do in class today? Today's class seemed like a pretty chill, calm, less distracted class. I took the time to read some articles about art and at the same time made progress on the free creation project. Ms. Koch passed a USB Drive around the room so we could hand in our "Book Cover Project" the printable copy, the blog size copy and the Photoshop psd file.
  • What did I learn? I learned that brushes can get really confusing at times, because you have to know how to change the settings and how to get it to be the perfect size and etc., but I asked people and they helped me with a few minor details. I learned a lot about the noise and blur of and image in Photoshop as well. I realized that being a teacher can be a pain sometimes. Because I was trying to explain something to someone and they couldn't get . I had to repeat myself a thousand time, gets kinda frustrating at times.
  • What did I find interesting? I read an article, which was about a man who transformed his white car into a artistic type of looking car. What he did was he used a Sharpie and drew nice patters sort of like graffiti on his car. I was amazed by it.
  • What questions do I have about what I learned? How long would it take me to transform my car like that? Is there a different program that operates the same way as Photoshop?
  • What was the point of today's lesson? I have to make my art appeal to others, that's my number one priority. Then Ms.Koch wanted us to hand in our book covers , done. Oh you forgot the free creation project.
  • What connections did I make to previous ideas of lessons? The same question is asked every class, yet we still answer the same question every class. It's like asking someone "what did you wear today?" and the answer is "clothes". The connection between yesterday's clothes and today's is that they're both made of cotton, wool, or polyester. This is not to be funny. I'm not going to ignore the question, so here is my answer "free creation project" or as others like to call it "Independent Project". Done.